I figured out why my feeds weren’t working, and it was the same as so many other vexing things in life: stupidity. In this case, my own stupidity, as I changed hosts. The new host has a different “web” folder name, and my stupid ass did not observe this quite completely. So, there we are.
I’ve got a delicious-smelling beer brewing from a kit i got down at Home Brew Mart by USD. They are run by the same folks who make Ballast Point, which is quite a tasty drink. I’ve been reading a lot of brewing-related stuff and just enjoying myself in general. The guys in the store were pretty busy and didn’t have any time to discuss things, and they forgot to include a spigot that goes into the hole in the bottom of my bottling bucket (which is the bucket you fill the bottles from!). The kit is great, even though I dropped my hydrometer (it’s for measuring the “gravity of liquids, basically the density) and left my siphon tube in the sanitizer too long…it turned yellow. Doy. I’m stopping by another home brew store,Hydrobrew in Oceanside, this weekend to replace that stuff.
- Fifty kick-ass kids walked out of the pledge at their high school in Boulder CO to recite their own! via Too Many Tribbles
The Burmese are finding out liberty is taken, not given…I feel for those people, but until they figure out you have to kick those bastards out on their faces, and never let them back, they’ll continute to be oppressed. I mean, come on…they’re ruled by fucking generals who staged a military coup. It’s not like they took power thinking “Well, I’ll just clean up here and then hand everything back”. No. They thought “The only think lower than a civilian is a bureaucrat, so we’ll kill off a few bean counters, do a little terrorizing, and sit back with the peeled grapes and the looking shiny in new unis game.” You know what they do to people who protest? They have them killed.
Nuns gone wild! (a lot more reading than you probably would think based on the link)
yay! feeds!