GOP sucks

I know I say it all the time. Roy Edroso put it into comedy summary form:

BROWNBACK: If you’re raped, you should have a baby.

ROMNEY: I am recently and totally pro-life.

TANCREDO: I hate Mexicans. These guys love Mexicans.

McCAIN: Well, at least Mexicans aren’t Muslims.

ROMNEY: Mexicans shouldn’t get a special pathway. Or doorway. Citizenship! (applause)

McCAIN: Why’s everyone looking at me? Abortion!

GIULIANI: I’m not soft. I’m hard! I’m America’s Mayor! We need tamper proof IDs! And a fence!

HUNTER: I built a motherfucking fence.

PAUL: We really fucked up in Iraq. (applause)

GIULIANI: 9/11! 9/11! (cheers, gunfire)

From James Wolcott

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