The napkin.
What the fuck.
There’s some christian group flooding my television screen with ads late at night. They show various attractive teens running around, drinking beer, laughing, dancing, having a general good time. Then it cuts, inexplicably, to one sitting alone in his car, and looking bummed out, again, for no reason. A voiceover actor then takes time out of his busy day to inform you that “god offers more” or something. ALSO that “spiritual coaches” are waiting, RIGHT NOW, to talk to you.
First of all, what the fuck. I mean really. It’s not like they show the kid smoking a crack pipe and blowing a guy for a ride to his baby-mama’s house where he pays the rent by getting his dick smashed by the buckle end of a belt. He’s running around getting wasted with hot chicks. He does a keg stand. I can imagine it would be a bit shameful to be involved in something so dude-bro douchey, but still, it’s beer, going in your facehole. That’s a good thing. So what the fuck does he have to be all introspectard about? I thought it was a “don’t drive drunk” commercial at first, and I thought “Don’t do it, guy!” and then when they revealed what that shit was I did this:
Because their premise was BULL. SHIT. It’s like showing a 7th grader who’s depressed because he fucked a teacher. That has never happened.
Oh Hell Yes.
Seanbaby is everything awesome in the world.
More Firefly
More tea.
On reddit I entertained the idea of starting a “hackerspace” somewhere here in North County. I’m interested in the idea, but have noplace really to host one. Anyone I know into it?
I’ve been spending too much time on twitter as well.
Sunday sunday
Sitting on the couch, sitting at a table. I have Echo & the Bunnymen on a discography list from Grooveshark and the foosball game on mute. Desi made me cakes in a pan which were tasty and very filling. I have a half a cup of coldish coffee.
I feel kind of bad for the Bears. They look terrible. It’s the Cutler Curse. That guy is like throwing a landmine in your sandbox. Sooner or later he’s going to blow up, and it’s going to make children sad. Uh…and…destroy a twisty slide.
I remember a long time ago in my youthood we had some kind of family get together at Holiday Park in Carlsbad, near my great-grandma’s house. My cousin Mimi was behind me as I ascended the glorious twisty slide. I remember thinking “My god I’m fifty miles in the air” when later visits confirmed the slide is maybe 8′ tall. I paused for maybe 3/5ths of a second to gaze around in wonderment from my lofty vantage point, when my cousin, behind me on the ladder, started yelling.
“Hurry up! I wanna slide!” she screeched.Of course that made me slow down, dramatically. I smirked at her while moving in exaggerated slow-motion, which infuriated her further and caused a great torrent of squeaky child verbal abuse.
(Hey! Bears interception. They needed that)
Eventually she started whaling on my legs, angry that I was purposely denying her joy. This would not stand! So turning, I gave her a mild shove with my foot, unfortunately right in the chest, which caused her remaining non-attacking hand to slip off the rung of the ladder. I remember her falling, slow-mo action movie-style, and landing in the sand below with an expanding halo of dust poofing away from her. Then the adults came running in. Watching the procession I knew there was only one thing to do: I grimly turned, mounted the last few steps of the ladder, and slid down the twisty slide.
It was super-fun.
Watching Firefly
with my baby.
Captain Mal is a wonderful, singular character. Love it.
Oh, reddit
I’ll post random shit from that I lul at here as well as other stuff.
My lack of sleep is disturbing…URK.
Project: Stave off insanity
Tonight the demons are really pressing in tight. I’ve been trying to occupy myself as much as possible, to the point of actually working out. Me. Exercising. Hopefully I make it. I’ve updated the site to WordPress from blogger. I was not getting any joy out of blogger.
We’ll see what happens. I’ve been listening to a lot of podcasts, mainly comedy. Doug Loves Movies gives me lulz, and WTF with Marc Maron is excellent. Savage Love is the Tuesday regular thing.
More later.
What bands don’t suck?
I’ve been going back over some great fucking songs from back in the day. In the early 90s there was a pretty vibrant scene of very good bands with some amazing talent. Bands like Heavy Vegetable, Boilermaker, No Knife, Drive Like Jehu, Creedle and others just really kicked my ass. They led me to visit places like the Casbah at every opportunity to see whatever bands happened to be around. Some nights it was me, the staff, and the band. I clapped at the end of songs.
What bands are out there right now? I have a few that are good and active, but a shitload of bands I like are broke up or inactive. Three Mile Pilot ain’t doin shit, even if Pinback is. Give me your band. Give me your suggestions. I’ll write about it. In the meantime: