killing dissent

Read the “anti-detective” story of Anna Mae Aquash(more info) (yet more). She was a mother, wife, and active American Indian Movement member and is believed to have been killed for her activities, either by government agents or their proxies. Steve Hendricks’ “An Unquiet Grave” (click here for a chapter 1 PDF, it’s amazing) documents some of the struggle of the time. It’s appropriate (as Jesus’ General notes) during the weeklong deification ceremonies for late President Ford, that we remember that the great healer lead a goverment perpetrating viscious crimes, and covering them up, with the same effort as Nixon’s.

I think it’s about time for people to stop being ruly.

1 thought on “killing dissent

  1. Native publisher Paul DeMain (News from Indian Country) warned Hendricks that many assertions in his book were simply untrue, including his conspiracy theories. (DeMain knows a lot more about this subject than Hendricks ever dreamed of.) Hendricks ignored DeMain’s advice and ran with a book idea designed to self promote. That’s too bad, because his book is now being heralded as some sort of courageous investigative project, when in reality, it is the work of a first time author trying to make a name for himself, while fooling many who are similarly inclined.

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