crazy blog violence

i read a book a little bit ago about the turn of the century, specifically the twentieth to the twenty-first, the proud tower. at the time anarchism was coming into its own as a worldwide political force. the author, Barbara Tuchman, made a point comparing the propaganda of the word, and the propaganda of the deed, noting how intellectuals would goad and encourage the…less mentally gifted…adherents to acts of appalling violence against symbols of the old order. the rightwing blogs strike me as a place for that kind of behavior…one or two clever fools like the people who run LGF or freep, setting up a crock pot (appropriate!) and letting weaker personalities simmer in their violent hateful language. I’m thinking that at some point in the next couple years there could be a crazy incident (i have no inside info or anything, i’m just cogitating and prognosticating) where a blog-follower does something sick or violent that starts a whole new round of navel-gazing in regards to blogs in the press.
i mean, they’re already blowing up gov’t buildings and sniping doctors among other things. what’s to stop ’em? especially as a propaganda move as bush starts to fail more vividly and the press actually mentions it. amazing. how about a lyric?

Palace Brothers
“Lost Blues & Other Songs”

(adapted from the traditional Scottish folk song Lach Tay Boat Song)

When it’s time from work to go, and in my boat I row
‘Cross the muddy Ohio, when the evening light is falling
And I look towards Floyd’s Knobs, where the afterglories glow
And I dream on two bright eyes with a merry mouth below
She’s my beauteous Katerina, she’s my joy and sorrow too
Though I know she is untrue, oh but I cannot live without her
For my heart’s a boat in tow and I’d give the world to know
If she means to let me go as I sing the whole day through

Katerina, your lovely hair has more beauty, I declare
Than all the tresses there from Smoke Town to Oldham County
Be it black, red, gold, or brown, let them hang to lengths below
They mean not as much to me as a melting flake of snow
And her dance is like a gleam of the sunlight on the stream
And the screeching blue jays seem to form her name when screaming
But my heart is full of woe, for last night she made me go
And tears begin to flow as I sing the whole day through

Palace is funny in that rarely are their albums released under the same name. Mainly it’s Will Oldham, a singer/songwriter/actor etc who’s pretty fuckin amazing. I’ve got CDs by Will Oldham, “Bonnie” Prince Billy, Palace Music, Palace, Palace Brothers, and Palace Songs. I think I’ve got a couple others too, not sure.
I’d recommend this album, Lost Blues & Other Songs, to anyone who’s even vaguely interested. I believe it’s iTune-able as well.

Happy Hump Day!

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