The right-wing in this country has been…well, visciously, brutally, horrifically attacking a family who had the audacity to let their son speak on the Democratic National Radio Address about S-Chip, the State Children’s Health Insurance Program.
Note immediately, it’s not a government handout, it provides hundreds of thousands of children with health care they could otherwise not have, and an expansion of the bill was vetoed by the president. Only the fourth veto of his nearly seven years in office, by the way.
Anyways, after weeks of being relentlessly slimed by the likes of Rush Limbaugh (disgusting pill-gobbling man-pile) and Bill O’Reilly (increasingly insane christmas tree freedom fighter and loofah aficianado)they went on Keith Olbermann’s show Countdown, and talked about what happened with their kids and where they live. They brought a picture of the two kids in intensive care, which is basically a parent’s nightmare.
In response, Michelle Malkin, who is an inhuman pile of cancer tissue, had this to say:
The Frost parents finally made a wise choice and decided not to put their son on Olbermann. Instead, they appeared to field Olbermann’s softball questions about the “lunatic fringe.”
Olbermann prodded the family to supply pictures of their children in the hospital recovering from their terrible accident. The photos were displayed as Olbermann and the couple complained about the Right’s “distraction” techniques.
It really doesn’t get much lower or much cheaper or much sadder than this.
So not only does this scumhole not see her own perversion in chasing after, posting the address of, and in general trying to make the life miserable of these children and their parents, she doesn’t understand that maybe, just maybe, they’re interested in others who may be in their situation being able to get the help they got. The right-wing doesn’t get that. They don’t get it because it’s not about exploding brown people’s bodies into gobbets of goo. It’s not about wanking it to an Ayn Rand book. It’s about caring about someone else, and trying hard to make sure they don’t die if it can be helped. They don’t get that. Malkin certainly doesn’t. I also think she probably kills puppies for fun. The bitch.