so fucked up

our country is so fucked up right now. case in point: “Don’t ask, don’t tell” vs. “Defense of Marriage”.

No one, not one single person, has ever once put forward a valid reason to keep gay men and women from having the same benefits as straights. not once. never. you know why? It’s not because it’s a secret. It’s because there is not one single reason. It’s just fucking assholes who either hate gay people, or love having someone to hate due to the shitty exclusivity clauses in their idiot religions, or people who are too stupid to think about it on any deeper level than “Eww! Butt sex is gross! But two chicks….yowza!”

The “defense of marriage” people are the most sickening of all, frankly. there’s nothing to defend. nothing’s being attacked, except their feelings of superiority. They need someone to hate, and if gays have all the same rights they can’t look down on them. It’s as simple as that. Tiny-minded people who desperately need to feel special. “Defense of my unwarranted feelings of specialness” is what they should call their shit-parade.

personally, I don’t believe government should be involved in marriage at all, period. Government should offer services of contract to all consenting adults who ask for it. there can be pre-existing types of contracts, but thats where the gov’s definition should end. after that, call it what you want. do these asshole “social conservatives” really want goverments telling them what marriage is? aren’t these “government is the problem” people? what the fuck is going on? After you’ve determined your property and custody rights through contracts you can have any kind of stupid ceremony you like. as if marriage is somehow sacred in this country. I can prove it’s not. What’s sacred is between people as individuals. trying to legislate that is a sick fucking waste of our time.

what’s going on is they know they’re advancing a hate agenda, and they’ve got some part of their conscience nipping at them, and they must hide it by being louder and nastier than the next guy. plus most of those preachers are deviants, which is what they consider gay people, so they’ve got some significant cognitive dissonance going on as well.

“Hey you homos! You don’t deserve equal rights because you’re sinners!”
“Father, is that…is that a chicken underneath your robes?”
“Lord preserve us! The holy father’s fucking a chicken at the homo-funeral protest! He’s built some kind of automatic chicken-fucking device and he’s wearing it under his priest-robes! Ahh!”
“Be calm my flock! All is well! I didn’t do anything with the chicken, I’m just…trying to keep it warm.”
“But your penis is inside of it right now. I mean, the device is actually in operation at this moment. The chicken seems quite disinterested, however…wait a minute…that’s….that’s…A ROOSTER!!! Father! You’re fucking a MALE ANIMAL! I mean, beastiality is forgivable, but being gay? Come on!”
“Wait a second there…wait…almost…oh yeah, all done. Let me put this chicken away. I’ll talk to you later Clucky. Of course I’ll call! See ya baby.”

okay, that was terrible.

1 thought on “so fucked up

  1. he he, clucky.

    The only problem I’ve ever had with same sex marriage is not the gay part. It’s the absolute inevitable abuse of it by non-gay parties for any of the many benefits of a government recognized marriage. Be that tax, property, citizenship, or what have you.

    I do agree completely with the separation of the term marriage from the government portion of it. If you wish to go into a same sex marriage in a ceremony for a religion that forbids same sex relationships, you’re just dumb, but that has nothing to do with the government. Acceptance of a same sex union, as far as the eyes of the government is concerned, should be simply laid down as a contractual obligation between two adults of legal age to sign a contract. With the increased possibility of abuse, maybe tack on a few more hoops to jump through to get a legal marriage, but apply the hoops to both traditional and same sex marriages so as to make them equal.

    at least that’s my uneducated 2 cents

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